About Temple:SRI MAHA MUNESWARAR TEMPLE is a temple for the goddess Lord Muneswarar who is the presiding deity. Sri Maha Muneswarar Jalan Scott ,Brickfield ,Kuala Lumpur The temple actively conducting a lot of pooja and prayers throughout the year .Temple SananathiSri Lord VinayagarSri Lord MuruganSri Lord SivanSri Lord AmbalSri NavagrahamSri Lord Kala BhairavarSri Lord Thurkai Amman Sri Lord Nadaraja Sanathi
The following major festivals are celebrated:Thai PoosamPanguni UthiramKanda SasthiSangadahara SathurthiNavarathiriDeepavali
About App:The Apps is absolutely free to the devotees to the all around the world and the temple is committed to share the all temple activity via apps. The Devotees able to check the temple activity via temple calendar and Manjal Arikai. On top of that the devotee able to enjoy divine songs and able to watch temple festival or any activity in video page. The temple also provide Ebook mainly for thevram ,manthiram and Vegetarian Recipe. Devotee also able to book their pooja,homam, wedding hall in given booking page. The temple is committed to share the meaning of Hindu festival and Many good values via push notification and Naam Arivom page.
About DeveloperThe apps is developed by MAESTRO INFO TECH (MALAYSIA) and is committed and supporting all Hindu temple around the MALAYSIA and the temple around the world. Please feel to contact us if you have any inquiry or suggestion or develop similar apps for your temple . Email
[email protected]:+016-642 3931